Here is a list of clients for whom we have worked as the
Change Team (or in our previous incarnation as L A Consulting).
Hover over the client name to see what we did for them...
and ran a bespoke High Performance Coaching
and Cross-Functional Team Building programme
for UK managers at all levels from board to
first line management and advised on culture
Breakthrough Coaching for a number of managers
profiling and in-depth assessment to support recruitment
for various senior management roles
Over several years,
provided bespoke development centres to identify
high potential managers, followed by coaching
to develop them into the senior managers of
the future
Designed and ran a
bespoke High Performance Coaching programme
for managers across a range of businesses.
Designed a state-of-the-art
assessment centre, including screening tools, 'real
life' simulations of the role and an in-depth structured
interview to support Bubble in recruiting talented
Engaged in a culture
change programme over several years, initially
creating a shared vision of the desired future
and an action plan for change and then running
a series of interventions including Cross-Functional
Team Building, a bespoke a bespoke High Performance
Coaching and Motivation programme and Breakthrough
Coaching sessions to help managers overcome
obstacles to change.
As part of a site
organisational change project we worked closely
with managers across all functions to define
the new job roles and behavioural competencies
required to move the business forward, communicating
the roles and training the new competencies
via a series of workshops. We then facilitated
a cross-functional 'task force' to overcome
obstacles to change, drive progress and gain
In-depth breakthrough
Helped define the competencies
required for trainee solicitors and qualified fee
earners, designed competency-based structured interviews
and trained partners in sophisticated interview techniques
for 'getting beneath the skin' of sophisticated interview
Designed a bespoke development
centre for the newly demerged business
Major culture change
project over several years, including defining
changes required to support the business, assessing
all managers using a bespoke 360° feedback
process, coaching managers to enable them to
change, stimulating innovation, redefining roles
and business processes and supporting change
leaders in driving and evaluating the change
In-depth assessment of ability,
personality and motivation to support recruitment
for various senior management roles
Supported the business to
become more customer-focused, including running workshops
with the senior team to identify barriers to change,
define new behaviours required and plan ways to achieve
the change
Designed and ran programmes
to support an organisational change, including
Mentor Training and High Performance Coaching
culture change over several years including
various team building workshops (with Ski Yogurt
teams prior to Nestlé takeover) and a
cross-functional project to redefine roles and
business processes
A variety of projects
carried out over many years, both for the central
Northern Foods training departments and directly
for operating companies. These include providing
highly rated, bespoke career management, coaching
and mentoring programmes, running team building
and visioning workshops with senior teams and
supporting senior management in implementing
a variety of organisational and culture changes
Designed an in-depth assessment
process for selecting consultants, including a screening
device and structured interview, trained the management
team in how to use it and carried out in-depth assessment
of personality and motivation with shortlisted candidates
Designed a bespoke
graduate interviewing process and assessment
centre, including delivering sophisticated interview
skills training to managers across the business;
designed and rolled out a bespoke development
programme and provided ongoing support to ensure
that managers applied their new skills.
and ran a team-building workshop for the senior team.
the competency profile required for successful entrepreneurs
seeking venture capital, and designed an in-depth
assessment process to select candidates who matched
the profile
speaker to groups of Chief Executives and senior
managers on a range of topics including building
teams, tapping into people's motivation and
resolving conflict
Designed and implemented
bespoke assessment centres for selecting directors
to the Trust, including realistic job simulation exercises
Defined competency profiles
for effective senior and middle managers and built
these into a competency-based performance management
number of assignments over several years including
designing and implementing a competency-based assessment
centre, running team building workshops, carrying
out in-depth breakthrough coaching and introducing
leading edge ideas for personal development